
Hunter’s Safety Courses

Hunter’s Safety Education
Hunter’s Safety Courses are normally held in May and September. Check the Game Commission website for our safety course dates.

Bowhunter Education
Bowhunter Education course teaches responsible bow hunting techniques covering big game anatomy, shot placement, compass basics with distance estimation, tree stand use and safety and big game recovery and care.

NRA Basic Pistol Course

Take the NRA Basic Pistol Course at the club. This is a great course for new shooters and a good refresher for experienced shooters. The course is open to individuals or groups up to 10 people. Cost is $80.00 per person. To register go to NRA Training (under “Pistol” select “NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course”,scroll down and enter zip code and then select “search”. Find date that you want for “Coraopolis” and fill in registration fields). For questions or more info contact Lisa Fabus at 412.715.9583 OR Gary Bayne at 724.882.3840.

Required Training


CDSA membership is closed. To be placed on the waiting list for membership email the club secretary at or call (412) 264-9920.

EVERY POTENTIAL MEMBER must attend a 2 1/2  hours, no cost CDSA Safety Orientation before they can become a member.

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