Outdoor Range MINIMUM distance of 25 Yards

The Outdoor 25 yard to 100 meter Range is now limited to a minimum distance of 25 yards as per the current rules and as approved by the Officers of CDSA.  Signs are posted and the minimum distance signs are moved to the 25 yard line.  There are 18 signs up, so there should be no excuse of not seeing one.  Members may shoot pistols at any bench now, but targets must be at the 25 yard line or beyond.  This is the only range where slugs may be shot, again only at 25 yards and beyond. The Outdoor 25 yard to 100 meter Range is the only range where steel bottom hanging targets may be shot, but only at the 40 meter bank or beyond.

          If members want to shoot pistiol caliber firearms or shotguns at a closer distance they may use the Short Range Bays, follow all rules.  The RSO’s have been instructed to enforce this rule.  Thank you.

          Tom Mance

          CDSA CRSO

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